Saturday, February 4, 2017


a lot of individuals who have CF also develop nasal polyps that may require surgery.

CF also can cause clubbing and low bone density.

Clubbing is the widening and rounding of the tips of your fingers and toes. That said, this sign develops late in CF as long as your lungs aren't moving enough oxygen into your bloodstream. People who have CF have thick, sticky mucus that builds up in their airways. Write infections can block the airways and cause frequent coughing that brings up thick sputum or mucus that's sometimes bloody. More than 10 million Americans are carriers of a faulty CF gene. May be there are more yest to understand causes but these are important and proven. For example, most of them don't know that they're CF carriers. Theophylline is a bronchodilator.

In addition it affects the function of quite a few cells involved in the inflammatory processes associated with asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease.

Of most importance can be enhanced suppressor, Tlymphocyte activity and reduction of eosinophil and neutrophil function.

These actions may contribute to a 'anti inflammatory' prophylactic activity in asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease. Theophylline stimulates the myocardium and produces a diminution of venous pressure in congestive heart failure leading to marked increase in cardiac output. For the treatment and prophylaxis of bronchospasm associated with asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Indicated for the treatment of cardiac asthma and left ventricular or congestive cardiac failure. Notice, the Hypogonadism Knowledge Centre provides healthcare professionals with free access to disease awareness sections just like epidemiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment options to assist the process of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with the condition. Actually, the regularly updated publications digest area contains analysis and comment on recent scientific articles associated with male hypogonadism. Have you heard about something like this before? The following reduce clearance and a reduced dosage may therefore be necessary to avoid consequences. You should take this seriously. Then the concomitant use of theophylline and fluvoxamine should usually be avoided. However, where so it is not possible, patients should have their theophylline dose halved and plasma theophylline will be monitored closely. Now look, the following increase clearance and it may therefore be necessary to increase dosage to ensure a therapeutic effect.

Plasma concentrations of theophylline can be reduced by concomitant use of the herbal remedy St John's Wort. Smoking and alcohol consumption can also increase clearance of theophylline. Three consecutive doses of approximately 10 mg/kg of an once daily slowrelease theophylline preparation were given at 22 dot 00 hours to 15 patients with nocturnal asthma who were recovering from an acute exacerbation of their asthma. Needless to say, twenty four hour plasma theophylline profiles were obtained after the first and third doses. Following the first dose, the mean peak level was 12 dot 5 mg/litre, mean time to peak was 1 hours and mean apparent elimination half life was 6 hours. Pharmacokinetic data were similar following the third dose. Have you heard of something like that before? In nocturnal asthma, Uniphyllin should've been given at about 20 dot 00 hours to coincide peak levels with the time of maximum airflow obstruction. Xanthines can potentiate hypokalaemia resulting from beta2 agonist therapy, steroids, diuretics and hypoxia.

Particular caution is advised in severe asthma. That's a fact, it's recommended that serum potassium levels are monitored in such situations. Actually the drugs listed in TABLES 2A and 2B have the potential to produce clinically significant pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic interactions with theophylline. I know that the information in the Effect column of TABLES 2A and 2B assumes that the interacting drug now is added to a 'steadystate' theophylline regimen. Accordingly the dose of theophylline required to achieve a therapeutic serum theophylline concentration going to be smaller, So in case theophylline is initiated in a patient who is already taking a drug that inhibits theophylline clearance. Conversely, I'd say if theophylline now is initiated in a patient who is already taking a drug that enhances theophylline clearance, the dose of theophylline required to achieve a therapeutic serum theophylline concentration could be larger. Essentially, unless the theophylline dose is appropriately reduced, discontinuation of a concomitant drug that increases theophylline clearance will result in accumulation of theophylline to potentially xic levels.

Unless the theophylline dose is appropriately increased, discontinuation of a concomitant drug that inhibits theophylline clearance will result in decreased serum theophylline concentrations.

The hypokalaemia resulting from beta agonist therapy, steroids, diuretics and hypoxia can be potentiated by xanthines.

Particular care is advised in patients suffering from severe asthma who require hospitalisation. It's recommended that serum potassium levels are monitored in such situations. Then, this product is contraindicated in individuals who have shown hypersensitivity to its components. So it's also contraindicated in patients with active peptic ulcer disease, and in individuals with underlying seizure disorders. Notice that So it's not possible to ensure bioequivalence between different prolonged release theophylline products. Notice, patients, if titrated to an effective dose, shouldn't be changed from one prolonged release theophylline preparation to an entirely different prolonged release preparation without retitration and clinical assessment. Measure the plasma theophylline concentration regularly when severe poisoning is suspected, until concentrations are falling.

Vomiting will be treated with an antiemetic like metoclopramide or ondansetron. In patients whose night time or day time symptoms persist despite other therapy and who are not currently receiving theophylline, thence the tal daily requirement of UNIPHYLLIN CONTINUS tablets can be added to their treatment regimen as either a single evening or morning dose. Activated charcoal or gastric lavage may be considered if a significant overdose was ingested within 1 2 hours. Repeated doses of activated charcoal given by mouth can enhance theophylline elimination. Notice that measure the plasma potassium concentration urgently, repeat frequently and correct hypokalaemia. Also, bEWARE! Serious hyperkalaemia may develop during recovery, Therefore in case large amounts of potassium been given. Fact, the plasma magnesium concentration should've been measured whenever possible, So if plasma potassium is low. Then again, factors similar to viral infections, liver disease and heart failure also reduce theophylline clearance.

So there're conflicting reports concerning the potentiation of theophylline by influenza vaccine and physicians may be aware that interaction may occur.

a reduction in dosage can be necessary in elderly patients.

Thyroid disease or associated treatment may alter theophylline plasma levels. Oftentimes for the most part there's also a pharmacological interaction with adenosine, benzodiazepines, halothane, lomustine and lithium and these drugs may be used with caution. Actually the listing of drugs in TABLES 2A and 2B is current as of April 3, New interactions are continuously being reported for theophylline, especially with new chemical entities. Fact, the clinician shouldn't assume that a drug does not interact with theophylline if And so it's not listed in TABLES 2A and 2B. Then the package insert of the new drug and the medical literature going to be consulted to determine if an interaction between the new drug and theophylline is reported, before addition of a newly available drug in a patient receiving theophylline. Even if plasma concentrations up to 20 mg/l should be necessary to achieve efficacy in should reinforce the importance of taking only the prescribed dose and the time interval between doses. Patient must alert the physician of symptoms occur repeatedly, especially near the end of the dosing interval, as with any controlled release theophylline product. Plenty of information can be found easily on the web. Patients vary in their response to xanthines and it might be necessary to titrate dosages individually. Steady state of Theophylline levels are generally attained 3 -4 days after dose adjustment. On p of this, serum theophylline may be measured 6 -8 hours after the last dose, I'd say in case a satisfactory clinical response isn't achieved. On the basis of serum theophylline assay results, dosage will be titrated as follows.

Risk of consequences usually associated with theophylline, and xanthine derivatives similar to nausea, gastric irritation, headache and CNS stimulation is significantly reduced when UNIPHYLLIN CONTINUS tablet preparation are given.

The Effect of Other Drugs on Theophylline Serum Concentration Measurements.

Most serum theophylline assays in clinical use are immunoassays which are specific for theophylline. Certainly, other xanthines just like caffeine, dyphylline, and pentoxifylline are not detected by these assays. For example, By the way, the usual maintenance dose for adults and elderly patients is 200 mg 12 hourly. With that said, this may be titrated to either 300 mg or 400 mg dependent on the therapeutic response. Of course plasma theophylline concentrations should ideally be maintained between 5 and 15 mg/ A plasma amount of 5 mg/l probably represents the lower amount of clinical effectiveness.

Significant adverse reactions are usually seen at plasma theophylline levels greater than 20 mg/ Patients may require monitoring of plasma theophylline levels when higher dosages are prescribed or when co administered with medication that reduces theophylline clearance.

Uniphyllin relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchial airways and pulmonary blood vessels and reduces airway responsiveness to histamine, methacholine, adenosine, and allergen.

Uniphyllin competitively inhibits type II and type IV phosphodiesterase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP in smooth muscle cells, possibly resulting in bronchodilation. Uniphyllin also binds to the adenosine A2B receptor and blocks adenosine mediated bronchoconstriction. Furthermore, for the treatment and prophylaxis of bronchospasm associated with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis. Indicated for the treatment of left ventricular and congestive cardiac failure. Lots of us know that there are no adequate data from well controlled studies of the use of theophylline in pregnant women.

Theophylline was reported to give rise to teratogenic effects in mice, rats and rabbits.

The potential risk for humans is unknown.

Theophylline shouldn't be administered during pregnancy unless clearly necessary. It should only be given to breast feeding women when the anticipated benefits outweigh the risk to the child, theophylline is secreted in breast milk, and can be associated with irritability in the infant. Theophylline, a xanthine derivative chemically similar to caffeine and theobromine, is used to treat asthma and bronchospasm. Smooth muscle relaxation and suppression of the response of the airways to stimuli, Theophylline has two distinct actions in the airways of patients with reversible obstruction. Fact, the COPD Knowledge Centre was designed to provide healthcare professionals with free access to educational materials and disease awareness information. That said, this includes information on the epidemiology, pathophysiology and symptoms of COPD and the latest guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and management of the disease. Theophylline interacts with a wide kinds of drugs.

Interaction might be pharmacodynamic, alterations in the therapeutic response to theophylline or another drug or occurrence of adverse effects without a change in serum theophylline concentration.

More frequently, however, the interaction is pharmacokinetic, the rate of theophylline clearance is altered by another drug resulting in increased or decreased serum theophylline concentrations.

Theophylline only rarely alters the pharmacokinetics of other drugs. For instance, theophylline plasma concentration might be monitored, if of insufficient effect of the recommended dose and if of adverse events. Severe consequences may indicate serum concentrations of theophylline above therapeutic levels. Serum concentrations could be checked urgently and a decrease in the dose of theophylline can be required. Now regarding the aforementioned fact... Basically the following adverse drug reactions was reported in the post marketing setting for theophylline. Usually, frequencies of not known been assigned as accurate frequencies can't be estimated from the available clinical trial data. Then, even if another cause is suspected, the patient might be instructed to seek medical advice whenever nausea. Persistent headache, insomnia or rapid heart beat occurs during treatment with theophylline.

I'd say in case they experience worsening of a chronic illness, the patient gonna be instructed to contact their clinician if they develop a brand new illness, especially if accompanied by a persistent fever, if they start or stop smoking cigarettes or marijuana, or if another clinician and a brand new medication or discontinues a previously prescribed medication.

Patients may be instructed to inform all clinicians involved in their care that they are taking theophylline, especially when a medication is added or deleted from their treatment.

While timing of the dose, or frequency of administration without first consulting their clinician, patients going to be instructed to not alter the dose. Patient might be instructed to take the next dose at the usually scheduled time and to not attempt to make up for the missed dose, I'd say in case a dose is missed. Tachycardia with an adequate cardiac output is best left untreated.

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