Sunday, February 5, 2017

Describe The Pathophysiology Of Asthma

I am feeling the pain of everyone here.

I found out I had sarcoidosis in April I have my pulmonologist who said the disease was dormant.

Pulmonologist knows my primary care physician sent me to this doctor since I have lymphedema from my knees nearly any doctor known to man. Notice that without treatment I found a lump on my left testicle. My urologist had to remove my left testicle. Furthermore, the lump came back from being examined, as sarcoidosis. Now my urologist states my sarcoidosis is highly active. Of course, I am doing best in order to seek By the way I am scared. My legs are just burning, why noone knows. I hope this I was ld it was all in my head.

At around age 30, I was ld I had adult onset asthma.

Therefore this was granulomas in the lungs. So ultimately I found a doctor at age 60, who did a routine blood test for the annual physical, and in my next visit, the doctor informed me I had sarcoidosis. May be there are more yest to understand causes but these are important and proven. More is known now than thence, the pain, vision problems, mood swings, fatigue, and all that, hyperparathyroidism, and now So there're kidney stones, and unbelievable diet restrictions. Let me tell you something. My wishes to all who suffer for relief. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your physician and similar qualified health provider because of something you have read on MedicineNet. Opinions expressed in the comments section are of the author and the author alone. MedicineNet does not endorse any specific product, service or treatment. I am a 57 year old female and I was ld I had sarcoidosis after I had a section of my lung removed for a biopsy as they thought I had lung cancer in October The biopsy showed granulose tissue and they confirmed that I did have sarcoidosis. I'm telling you that surgery hurt so bad that I ld my primary doctor that I will never have lung surgery again. Now since that time they have found that I also have it in 6 places in the skull bones in my brain and they removed a section of my skull to biopsy and it also showed sarcoidosis.

Now I have it on my bottom left shin and left arm.

I'm in the hospital for two weeks with this being that three different bacteria got in the sarcoidosis knots on my arm and my leg.

Doctors tel me that I am a single patient they have seen in a very long time that has this disease on the inside and the outside. Notice that lucky me! I'm sure that the joint pain, fatigue and shortness of breath are getting quite bad and I wake up feeling like I haven't slept really and after that can hardly walk because of the pain. I'm on up to 50 prednisone mg and 20 mg of methotrexate and I hate this stuff. Have you heard about something like that before? I don't think it has helped put me in remission whatsoever. While everyone else is removing extra weight excessive cutting down the redundant slimming working out with this disease I have gained back 50 pounds that I had lost in the last year and a half. Just think for a moment. I am miserable and doing best in order to decide if I am preparing to have to quit work or not.

I don't seek for to but I am barely moving now which ain't fair to my 'co workers'.

I love work but the pain is getting so bad.

I'm a multitasker for sure and not being able to do a bunch of things and having no memory whatsoever had been so discouraging to me. I really feel like I will die soon being that things are not getting significantly better. You are encouraged to report negative consequences of prescription drugs to the FDA. Therefore, visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1800FDA1088". Known suspected I had it for a few years and finally researched a doctor and made my own appointment at a sarcoidosis clinic, I'm almost sure I am 47 diagnosed with sarcoidosis last fall. Besides, the doctor agreed since I had a liver biopsy with granuloma and I insisted on a biopsy of plenty of the skin tissue on one of my tattoos that have raised tissue and showed a granuloma. In addition to bone lesions at my wrists, at the time I also had lesions in my fingers and forearms.

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